He That Holds The Microphone

This is where you are lucky enough to hear what I have to say. I’ve been in the music world long enough that there are a few things that hold true. No matter what…. He who holds the microphone holds the power. Whether you like it or not you are going to hear what is on his/her mind. Also never piss off a songwriter. Then all night you are going to sit there and wonder. Is that song about me? Did I do that? It’s an uncomfortable situation to be in. So like an old friend told me.. just be kind. So here I am. I have gone through a period of reflection. Really looking inward and concentrating on what brings me the most out of my time here. I want to give away what I can in order to help others, as it brings me immense joy and fulfillment. There is a profound sense of clarity that washes over me when I am immersed in the great outdoors. The vastness of nature's beauty and the serenity it exudes resonate deeply within me, allowing me to feel truly alive and connected. Now, I am fortunate enough to be doing what I love, utilizing my skills and passion to make a positive impact on the people around me. Not what I think I am supposed to do. Not concentrating on where the most money is. I am truly happy and at complete peace with every aspect of my life. From the simple joys that surround me to the profound fulfillment that accompanies me on this journey, I am filled with contentment. Within the depths of my being, there exists an indescribable passion that ignites my soul and propels me forward. This passion, this fervor, fuels my desire to engage in meaningful discussions, to talk at great lengths about the subjects that resonate deep within me. With a platform that magnifies my voice, I aspire to utilize this opportunity to provide assistance and support to others in any way possible. Embracing this incredible purpose, I find solace in the knowledge that my actions are making a positive difference, fulfilling my ultimate goal of helping those who cross my path. I’m damn good at what I love. I am a complete nerd at heart. I never want to be in a situation where I don’t know what to do.I form connections with the precious little moments, those fleeting instances that have the power to unravel the layers of emotions buried so profoundly within you, even unbeknownst to your own self. These moments, seemingly inconspicuous, possess a primal essence that taps into your most primal instincts, awakening and unearthing feelings that have long been shrouded in the depths of your being. Engrained in our DNA. As humans we learn to adapt in order to live. We become “normalized” just to conquer everyday life. There are places we can go though. Situations that will bring out the absolute best in us. I have to ask questions. Am I open to learn new things? New landscapes? Can I do without the ability to say “Hey Siri blankety blank blank”? Can I open my eyes and see what is in front of me without Google? I thrive in these situations. I get all giddy at the thought of actually putting a footprint somewhere that no other human has. I am willing to stand there in the moment and read the topography in front of me. I can feel the wind change directions on my neck. I get excited. I can see and hear and smell. I know what drives my prey. I stay just one small step ahead of it in order to provide something for others. Being in the “moment” is way more fulfilling than the actual harvest. I have respect for everyone and everything. I have never been in a camp where I am NOT the most passionate one there. I guide people. I guide them into these moments. I guide the time. Time is important. There are situations when we are supposed to just stop and take in what we are seeing. Be open to really stop. Be willing to feel what is around us. I cherish these times. My anxieties go away. Depression morphs into happiness. Aches and pains subside. 47 years old and I feel like a hundred sometimes. Life can beat the daylights out of us and leave us feeling empty. I know where to go to get invigorated again. I find peace. I find relief being outdoors. I go get lost for a while. In turn I get found again.


Begin With the End in Mind